Monday 3 November 2014

"Evil Hollywood Over Subterrania"....

9 Superheroes!
50 big bad pages!
5 years (in the making)!

It could only be our very own John G. Miller's "Evil Hollywood Over Subterrania" - AKA The Atomic Society of Justice #2 - the sort of bizarre, time-travelling, mind-bending, horizon-expanding epic that makes DCU's Multiversity look like Multiplicity! Witness the forces of good and evil doing battle across 5 boldly illustrated chapters....

Chapter 1: "Shutdown Inside Subterrania"
Chapter 2: "Zone of Destruction"
Chapter 3: "Evil Hollywood Over Subterrania" (featuring 'Ghostman Versus The Prophet', 'Ghostman Versus The Scorch' and 'Noseferatu Double-Cross')
Chapter 4: "Cosmic Woman Versus Atom Girl" (featuring 'BattleKat Versus Subterrania')
Chapter 5: "The Secret Origin of The Atomic Society of Justice" (featuring Adam Atomgrad and IIllyria', 'Seaside Armageddon' and 'Farankulen Versus Evil Hollywood')

All 3 original artists from the first issue return and this time, like the 'super tale' itself, they are at the peak of their respective powers. Join the trio in mid-December when they will be launching the title in person at the 13th Note in Glasgore! Stay tuned into this blogchannel for more information....


  1. Looking forward to this - will it be available at the Lulu store as well?

    1. Yep (at some point). Something of a protracted gestation this unwieldy beast, and even a December release might be asking a bit much....

    2. Ha, oh dear!

      I'll just keep checking until it's available then...
