All for one (sale)! Just kidding, it was in fact a beautiful thing as the Glasgow Comic Con embraced its brand spanking new venue, the Glasgow Royal Concert Hall, at the weekend. Indeed, if you could get past the fools behind the Braw Books table there was plenty gold to be found out front - where, at the very least, even our oldest rope was pretty new! A punter would have to be made of stone to resist, but we're not begging you to agree.... okay, we'll stop right there with the lame Stone Ro$£$ references. (Then again, who would pay 10 quid for a single sided 7" with laughable lyrics and a krenko guitar solo when for a penny cheaper they could invest in The Collected Evil Wee Comics, something genuinely touched by the bright spark of Agent Johnny's relentless creativity and ceaseless commitment to his craft....). Still, it was nice to see our sales exceed our (very) modest expectations on the Saturday and Sunday, with all our books shifting a few copies to what turned out to be an inquisitive and patient crowd....
In fact, the whole weekend seemed a more grown-up affair across the board, with a similarly varied spread of creators from far and wide, all helping the Con to 'transcend its origins', elevating the mood from the (occasional) Glasgow Mart-gone-large feel of past years to something decidedly fresh, distinctly forward thinking and definitely conventionally convention-like, um.... "D'you take cards?" - that's when you know you've made it (even if it potentially scuppers the accompanying purchase.... it didn't though and the necessary cash was duly splashed on 2 hard earned (but suitably discounted) sales). With a few tweaks here and there the GRCH could easily become the perfect venue for years to come....
After Saturday's action wrapped it was time to head along to the CCA for the SICBA awards where a typically humble Frank Quitely accepted the award for his 'Outstanding Contribution to Comics' - a page in the Khollected Khaki Shorts surely 'swang' it - and Sha Nazir - the BHP mainstay and modest mastermind of the past 6 years events - announced he was stepping down as chief organiser/overseer. #Shaxit....
Sunday saw 'supersub' A.J.Smith make a start from the bench to help out at the table, gamely assisting and keepin' things real through those inevitable sabbath slumps, allowing Rob Miller to scout out and about, chat with some familiar faces and pick up some books - Sleeping Dogs, Moth to a Flame, Beast Wagon and the SICBA sweeping Never Ever After being particular prize catches....

As per last year it was Kounter Kultyur Kevn's job to thoroughly mystify at least one punter - a cheery youngster was attracted by the 'leafy' cover only to be put off the final purchase thanks to Rob Miller's attempt to explain the 'highbrow' concept, evidently stretching things a plot point too far in the world of lazy and obvious dope comics....
Of course it was all over too soon, time for the GCC redshirts to gamely pack it all up for next year(?) before heading along to Slouch for the wrap party (and a welcome chance to chat with David Aja, Goran Parlov and Cameron Stewart about the ups of the Con and the lows of 'the biz') As ever big shout outs to the organisers at BHP, their happy and helpful team of volunteers, the venue, the punters, fellow puntees and friendly pundits.... Time to get your feet a seat. We'll leave you with Manchester's finest....
Sounds like a fun time was had... I was up for going before realising I couldn't afford the travel and accommodation, bah!
ReplyDeleteWell, assuming there'll be a next year then there's always next year....