Wednesday 2 December 2015

A Chronicle of Doom....

Another pleasant afternoon's swill conducted at Ice Station yesterday, with Agent Johnny on reasonably sparkling form. No sooner had Agent Rob had arrived than the 'one-eyed-god' was tuned to channel 'one five' for The River's Edge (1957) wherein the glamorous Debra Paget cast something of a spell over our slightly stewed heroes. At the fillum's leery conclusion it was time fer some contented chuntering to 'run doon' the clock - our Agent has been enjoyin' recent screenings of The Incredible Hulk in the absence of The Invaders - until Doctor Who: Genesis of the Daleks began another classic run on The Horror Channel. At this point 'Our Man in Pester Whailes' revealed what looks to be the last 3 pages of 'Death March of the Missile Men', though each page was rounded off with a decidedly final looking (and somewhat confusing) 'The End'. Still, together with a very roughed out cover, the end of this epic seems to finally be within sight....

Visions: The River's Edge (1957) and Doctor Who: Genesis of the Daleks, episodes 1 & 2....
Sounds: Street Legal by Bob Dylan (fired up as this Agent took his leave....)

Bob Dylan - Changing Of The Guards (Live 1978)

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