And straight in at number 3, it's
The Khollected Khaki Sorts: The Khream of Issues 1-28! Some of you may recall our handy
recap on the comic's origins from earlier in the year, and it's fair to say this bumper
220 page choice cuts retrospective stems in part from that occasion. With a book so vast in size where and how do you begin - in
Adam Smith and
Rob Miller's case, by trawling through all the original photocopy paste-up pages, chucking out the crap and hitting the scanning bigtime - to describe the bountiful goodies therein...? Well, they do say a picture is worth a thousand words - something Rob often calculates when measuring up (and thus justifying) his meagre output against genuine storytellers of the written word - so how about we cut to the chase and do just that?
Boy Mindless by Adam Smith |
Davina McCall's Magic Can by Tolywoly |
If I'd've known earlier I'd've tried to've got to Glasgow this weekend...
ReplyDeleteCan't wait to get my greasy mitts on this one though!
Should be a launch in the future, but it'll hit the (virtual) stands soon too....